Anurag Singh's directorial war drama ' Kesari' starring Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra in the lead roles continues its tremendous collection at the box office as the film crossed the Rs 50 crore mark in the first three days. The film saw the highest opening of the year 2019 and has set the cash registers ringing at the box office. The audience and the critics have hailed the war drama, heaping praises on the lead actor and the director. The film is also Akshay Kumar's second highest opener after 'Gold'. The film hit the screens on Holi on March 21.
According to the latest report on the, on Saturday, the film has managed to rake in a total of Rs 18.75 crore at the box office. The collection on Saturday went up around 12% from the previous day. The film has managed to collect a total of Rs 56.75 crore in three days at the box office.
'Kesari' saw its release in 4,200 screens worldwide. The film was released in around 3,600 screens across the country.
The plot of the film revolves around the historical figure Havildar Ishar Singh (played by Akshay Kumar), who led the 36th Sikh Regiment of the British Indian Army in the Battle Of Saragarhi, which was fought in 1897. The film tells the incredible story of 21 Sikh soldiers who fought valiantly against 10,000 Afghan troops.
Directed by Anurag Singh, the film also stars Parineeti Chopra, Mir Sarwar, Vansh Bhardwaj, Jaspreet Singh, Vivek Saini and Vikram Kochhar in supporting roles. The film was initially planned as a production collaboration between Salman Khan and Karan Johar and was announced in October 2017. However, Salman later quit the project.