It had earlier reported that the third instalment of 'Dabangg' which went on the floors on Monday in Maheshwar in Madhya Pradesh will be a cat-and-mouse game between Salman Khan and Kannada actor, Sudeep, who plays the antagonist. Now, we have learnt that for the first 13 days of the schedule the team will be based at Ahilya Fort where they are currently filming the title song, featuring Salman’s Chulbul Pandey in a larger-than-life avatar and 500 back-up dancers. “This will be followed by an action sequence on bikes involving Chulbul and his brother, 'Makkhi' (played by actor-producer Arbaaz Khan). It will end with a week-long shoot in Mangeshkar,” informs a source close to the development.
Salman shared his excitement with a video on Twitter, minutes after Arbaaz and he touched down in Indore where they were born and where their grandfather worked during his tenure with the police force. The franchise took off in 2010 with Abhinav Kashyap at the helm and brought cop films back in vogue. The sequel, directed by Arbaaz, was equally successful. Prabhudheva who has picked up the baton this time around had last directed Salman in 2009 in Wanted. While Sonakshi Sinha returns as Rajjo, Part 3 will have another actress in a pivotal role who is a part of Chulbul’s past and has an integral role in carrying forward Dilip Shukla’s story. Music is by Sajid-Wajid. The film also features Rajesh Sharma in a pivotal role and Nawab Shah as the baddie alongside Sudeep.
“After the MP schedule, the team moves to Wai in Maharashtra for a marathon 80-day schedule. The plan is to release it in December, around Christmas.